Thursday, October 28, 2010


The next thing to think about now is the questions we want the children to answer and how they while answer them in a fun and simple way.
Our target audience has been changing around a good bit but right now we are sticking with 8 - 10 year olds as the are enthusiastic, can understand the questions and also lively enough to run around and hopefully not get bored here are some of the questions that we have thought of.

For the 1st one we will have 4 boxes each with different types of fruit and the child must smell the fruit and identify which fruit it is before going into the obstacle course.

The 2nd one consists of a colour appearing on the screen that co insides with another fruit which the child as to get right to progress.

The 3rd one is a trigger will sensor automatically the sound will play and the child has to choose which sound they think the animal belongs to.

The 4th is more boxes but this time with textures or objects inside of them that the child has to feel and choose out of 3 things what they think the texture of object is.

This is what we have so far but it is likely too change along the way as we research deeper.

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